Saturday 30 January 2016

Welcome to the New LRUG Website

The old website died on the 27th January as part of the process of Scott White and Hookins passing the domain name over to me. I would like to thank my old company for supporting LRUG for the last six years and in particular Nigel Coulton for his help and assistance with maintaining the old web site and what turned out to be the arduous process of transferring the LRUG domains from them to me. It's now mine and paid up or the next nine years! 

Web Site Currently Under Construction  
I'm in the process of building the back history of meetings. I have been offered some space on a server by one of the LRUG members, which will mean that the documents, slide presentations, podcasts from the meetings that I have from the last six years and 33 meetings will be uploaded to this web site.
The re population of this material It isn't going to happen over night, it will be a gradual process and I will fit time in where I can to make it happen.