Monday 15 February 2021

March 2021 LRUG Meeting


It's been a year since we have had a meeting, and realistically it's still going to be some time until we can have meetings as we used too. 

A decision has been made to hold a virtual meeting using Microsoft Teams the two presenters  will be:- 

Shaun Farrell/Michael Bartyzel – BIM 360 Journey of Discovery and Necessity in Covid Times,Jose Fandos – BIM Management in Extreme Remote Conditions


 Microsoft Teams meeting starting at 6pm on Wednesday 17th March 2021

Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting

Join with a video conferencing device

Video Conference ID: 124 450 419 6

Alternate VTC dialing instructions Or call in (audio only)

 +44 20 3443 9773,,811123826#   United Kingdom, London
