Scott White and Hookins are proud to be founder members and sponsor of the London Revit User Group (LRUG) website.
Alan Wooldridge one of our Engineering Managers based at our London Office has been programming, beta testing and web authoring about CAD (Computer Aided Draughting) for years. His latest passion is BIM (Building Information Modelling) and in particular Autodesk Revit and he has been blogging on the Revit Structure Learning Curve for the last three years.
Alan created the UK Revit Register in July 2009 with the hope that it might promote some regional banding of individuals that may want to meet down the local public house or visit each others offices when they found out that they are not the only "Revit user in the village".
The UK Revit Register Group on linked-in was then created to provide UK Revit users with a "Discussion Area or Forum", somewhere where they can post "News Items" and the facility to advertise "Jobs" directly to Revit Users or Companies that use Revit. It was a discussion thread that Alan started on this Group which has spawned the LRUG.
Alan, David Light of Hok and Carl Collins of Arup Associates gathered some additional willing individuals together and formed a committee to get the ball rolling.
It was at this stage that Alan approached the Partners of Scott White and Hookins with a request to sponsor the LRUG website explaining that if we would provide the web space, he would undertake the role of webmaster and create the web site ready to launch at the inaugural meeting.
The inaugural meeting of the LRUG took place on the 17th March 2010. Carl Collins provided the venue, tea, coffee and biscuits and 26 Revit Users from various companies based in London met up at ARUP's offices.
Alan Wooldridge as Chairman of LRUG gave an introduction to the group and a short presentation on known "Revit Bugs", David Light gave a presentation on "Revit Tips and Tricks" and Carl Collins on what he calls "the Geeky Stuff Accurate Calculation of Embodied Carbon and Energy".
During a group discussion at the inaugural meeting, it was decided to keep the attendees to one representative from each company for a number or reasons. Attendance is by invitation only, as the group needs to arrange security passes for the venue(s).
LRUG are also trying to get a balance across the Revit platforms at the first few meetings where they are looking to form a core of dedicated members. The group has no secret agendas and is trying to get back to grass routes, a group for users to share knowledge and learn from on another across all disciplines of Revit.
Whist the actual meetings are to be limited to one person per company, anyone living or working in London may become a member of the LRUG web site. All web site members have access to the same minutes, presentations and downloads.
Companies currently represented include:-
Aedas, andekan, aitspatial, Arup Associates, Arup, Atkins, AUGIuk, Buro Happold, CADline, Cadan Design, Conisbee, dcbim, Dyer, excitech, Gensler, Gifford, HOK, Motts, Pascall & Watson, Scott White and Hookins, Scott Wilson, Watermans, Westfield, WSP, WA Fairhurst and Partners, Zaha-Hadid, 4BIM.
The plan is to extend invites to future meetings (next meeting due 19th May) to more members from companies who are not currently represented and have expressed interest by becoming members of the web site.
The committee of LRUG are hoping that when the group is really up and running and they have gained some sponsorship and funding that they will be able to hold larger events in bigger venues.
If you are based in London and wish to have access to the Members Area of the LRUG web site to gain access to the forum or to express a desire to add your company to the list and attend a future meeting please email