Sign Up to Present in a Pecha Kucha Style 10 minutes session including discussion "What Annoys Me About Revit"
We did a similar session 6 years ago, its time for another, so I'm looking for 6 or more LRUG Members to volunteer to present their gripes about what annoys them about Revit, discuss how they work around the problem and who knows someone in the audience may have a better work around. If we can get more than 6 members we can take up a whole evening venting our anger or perhaps have another session later in the year.

Here are the presentations that were done at the second LRUG meeting in the 19th May 2010
What Annoys Me About Revit - Various Speakers
Download the Presentation slides as an Adobe file
Download LRUG PowerPoint Templates if you are going to create a presentation.The PowerPoint presentations from the 16th March meeting will be synced with audio recordings of the presentations than these will be uploaded here and sent to Autodesk for their consumption and hopefully addition to the improvement program.
I have my first volunteer in the shape of Carl Collins who's is taking on Global Parameters as his moan. Please email me with the subject matter you would like to rant about.