Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Autodesk 10% Staff Cuts Result in the Loss of a Presenter for March Meeting

I had lined up someone from Autodesk to present at LRUG in March 2016, but it appears he will no longer be working for them as a result of the Autodesk 10% reduction in staff announced last week.

Thank you to the LRUG members who have stepped up to the plate to present at the first Session in the 16th March Meeting

So we need to find another 5 to 6 people to do a Pecha Kucha Style 10 minutes session including discussion on "What Annoys Me About Revit" for a second session at a future meeting.

We also need as many members to be active members and request presentations and others to then offer to present them if they have knowledge to share. Now the web site is easier to maintain ALL offers to present, with a short summary of content will be placed on the web site and the members at the meeting will prioritise them.

If we ever get to the point where we have more offers to present than can be arranged in the scheduled meetings for a year, we can always arrange additional meetings to take place.

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