Thursday, 17 March 2016

UK Dynamo Users Group Formed

At last nights LRUG meeting Mike Turpin announced that following a series of conversations on Twitter in January 2016 the UK Dynamo User Group was born. Still very much in its infancy the group is looking to set up two meeting groups, one in London (South) and one in Manchester (North). The fist South Meeting kick off tonight. To find out more Visit the UKDUG Website

The North group has been set up with a main focus on the Manchester area but also with the idea of moving around the region if suitable venues can be found.

The North group is managed by:
Jon Frost
Kevin Fielding
David Wood
Brendan Cassidy
The South group has begun life in London and the intention is to launch here as a base for the first few events to become an established forum for Dynamo in this area.
The South group is managed by:
Mike Turpin
Aaron Perry
Martin Coyne
Mike Hudson

The Group are hoping that once the first North and South groups are set up and running then other groups might also like to form under the same structure. If you would like to organise another group please contact them.

Hopefully we can encourage some of their members to present a beginner guide to Dynamo at LRUG in the future.