Sunday 16 April 2023

LRUG Meeting Wednesday 19th April 2023

We continue our in-person meetings this year with another two cracking presentations on Wednesday 19th April.

This will be a combination of a physical and Teams meeting. The event is sponsored by Revizto and the usual beers and pizzas will be served at the Lower Ground Floor level in Buro Happold's office at 17 Newman Steet. The event will start at 6pm, so registration from 5:30pm.

If you want to attend in-person the Eventbrite invitations will be sent out on Sunday  16th & Monday 17th April. They have now changed eventbrite and only 250 email invitations can be sent out per day and we have 500 people on the mailing list. 

As usual tickets based on a first come first served basis will be issued. There will be a waiting list, so if you grab a ticket and find you cannot attend surrender your ticket by logging into Eventbrite. 

First Presentation:

Speaker: Andrew Dobson - HBIM for Historic Buildings: Refurbishment of Big Ben for UK Parliament

This session will be a presentation about Purcell's development and use of building information modelling (BIM) and historic building information management (HBIM) and how this use has transformed Purcell's approach to documenting and designing conservation, repair, and creative adaptation of historic buildings. It will include a case study of Purcell's use of Revit software and BIM for the refurbishment of Big Ben-the world's most famous clock tower and the centrepiece of the UK parliament. The presenter has been the lead architect on this project since 2015, and construction finished in the Summer of 2022.

Second Presentation:

Speaker: Ash Curzon – Clash with Confidence

Revizto is an integrated collaboration platform designed to track project issues / activities and run clash detection in one centralised 3D environment.  With so much pressure on project teams to deliver projects more efficiently, you're often pushed into formats or platforms that you're not familiar or comfortable in.  Ash will take you through how the flexibility of Revizto will give you the ability to clash with confidence, no matter your experience level.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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1 comment:

  1. Is there a recording of the session available by any chance? thanks!
